Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Favorite Commercial
Everyone should have one...my current fav is a Ziplock commercial...You may have seen it, or one like it, but essentially there are two groups of people; one for whom the bag fails (the competetor) and one for whom the bag hold (ziplock). In this particular spot the two woman stand side by side...the one for whom the bag breaks, well to put it indelicately...she's chubby....she's all round and sad....the one who's using the ziplock bag has the pleasure of being thin and happy. Of course if it were just one add, one might just chalk that up to the way an unfortunate casting decision, luckily there are actually two commercials....featuring different woman, but both time fat one uses the bad bag...thin one uses the good bag. Perhaps they're not trying to send any other message then the fact that if you can't keep food fresh you need to eat it immediately and that will leave you heavy, but then again, I doubt it.