Sunday, October 09, 2005
About that posting every day stuff
I keep meaning to, but life keeps getting in the way. I plan on doing at least one post a day, every day this week. We'll check and see the response and perhaps I'll try harder. Odds are, since I'm lazy as all get out that I won't.
I would like to comment on the wonderful people here in the United States who criticized world response to Katrina and who are now doing their best to ignore a tragedy that is somewhere between 10 and 30-fold worse in Asia. Is it because they don't speak our language or share our culture or because we're selfish and believe the world revolves only around us. Our lives, are they worth more than others, it certainly seems that way.
When Katrina struck and even as Rita was on the way, every news channel devoted all day every day to that coverage, the earthquake in Asia, which has killed an estimated 30-thousand people, doesn't seem to warrant that same coverage and I can't figure out why.
In the Oregonian today (that would be Portland's only daily newspaper for those of you not of this place) the big, top story that took up much of the front page of the paper was about possibly moving Saturday Market down the street in 2007. The earthquake only managed a small write up in the bottom corner.
The Christian right, who seem to dominate much of politics these days should be at the forefront of demanding that our attention be turned to those in need. Isn't that a Christian value? Maybe it's just more Christian rhetoric.
Perhaps things will change as we get into the week, but I doubt it. Earthquakes aren't as cool and dramatic as tsunamis and when was the last time you saw a follow up story on that in the news?
meaning to, but life keeps getting in the way. I plan on doing at least one post a day, every day this week. We'll check and see the response and perhaps I'll try harder. Odds are, since I'm lazy as all get out that I won't.
I would like to comment on the wonderful people here in the United States who criticized world response to Katrina and who are now doing their best to ignore a tragedy that is somewhere between 10 and 30-fold worse in Asia. Is it because they don't speak our langauge or share our culture or because we're selfish and believe the world revolves only around us. Our lives, are they worth more than others, it certainly seems that way.
When Katrina struck and even as Rita was on the way, every news channel devoted all day every day to that coverage, the earthquake in Asia, which has killed an estimated 30-thousand people, doesn't seem to warrent that same coverage and I can't figure out why.
In the Oregonian today (that would be Portland's only daily newspaper for those of you not of this place) the big, top story that took up much of the front page of the paper was about possibly moving Saturday Market down the street in 2007. The earthquake only managed a small write up in the bottom corner.
The Christian right, who seem to dominate much of politics these days should be at the forefront of demanding that our attention be turned to those in need. Isn't that a christian value? Maybe it's just more Christian rhetoric.
Perhaps things will change as we get into the week, but I doubt it. Earthquakes aren't as cool and dramatic as tsunamis and when was the last time you saw a follow up story on that in the news?
I would like to comment on the wonderful people here in the United States who criticized world response to Katrina and who are now doing their best to ignore a tragedy that is somewhere between 10 and 30-fold worse in Asia. Is it because they don't speak our language or share our culture or because we're selfish and believe the world revolves only around us. Our lives, are they worth more than others, it certainly seems that way.
When Katrina struck and even as Rita was on the way, every news channel devoted all day every day to that coverage, the earthquake in Asia, which has killed an estimated 30-thousand people, doesn't seem to warrant that same coverage and I can't figure out why.
In the Oregonian today (that would be Portland's only daily newspaper for those of you not of this place) the big, top story that took up much of the front page of the paper was about possibly moving Saturday Market down the street in 2007. The earthquake only managed a small write up in the bottom corner.
The Christian right, who seem to dominate much of politics these days should be at the forefront of demanding that our attention be turned to those in need. Isn't that a Christian value? Maybe it's just more Christian rhetoric.
Perhaps things will change as we get into the week, but I doubt it. Earthquakes aren't as cool and dramatic as tsunamis and when was the last time you saw a follow up story on that in the news?
meaning to, but life keeps getting in the way. I plan on doing at least one post a day, every day this week. We'll check and see the response and perhaps I'll try harder. Odds are, since I'm lazy as all get out that I won't.
I would like to comment on the wonderful people here in the United States who criticized world response to Katrina and who are now doing their best to ignore a tragedy that is somewhere between 10 and 30-fold worse in Asia. Is it because they don't speak our langauge or share our culture or because we're selfish and believe the world revolves only around us. Our lives, are they worth more than others, it certainly seems that way.
When Katrina struck and even as Rita was on the way, every news channel devoted all day every day to that coverage, the earthquake in Asia, which has killed an estimated 30-thousand people, doesn't seem to warrent that same coverage and I can't figure out why.
In the Oregonian today (that would be Portland's only daily newspaper for those of you not of this place) the big, top story that took up much of the front page of the paper was about possibly moving Saturday Market down the street in 2007. The earthquake only managed a small write up in the bottom corner.
The Christian right, who seem to dominate much of politics these days should be at the forefront of demanding that our attention be turned to those in need. Isn't that a christian value? Maybe it's just more Christian rhetoric.
Perhaps things will change as we get into the week, but I doubt it. Earthquakes aren't as cool and dramatic as tsunamis and when was the last time you saw a follow up story on that in the news?