
Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I'd like to say welcome back to the NHL and also don't believe the hype. Everyone is declaring the owners winners, they're not. The players didn't win either.(but they also didn't really lose much either--I'll explain in a minute) However, despite neither side winning the only clear losers in this were the sport of hockey and the fans. Good luck getting back to the level of popularity you had before you left. Start kissing our asses.
Now, for the players. Before the lockout the average salary was $1.8 million dollars. Well out of line for the popularity of the sport. After the owners got what they wanted, a salary cap and rollback of 24% of current salaries the players will average (based on a cap of $39 million dollars--and 23 players per roster)ta-da $1.695 million dollars. Basically what's happened is a redistrbution of wealth. No more players making $10 million dollars a year and the lowers paid players got a three hundred thousand dollar a year raise or so. Not only that since their cap figures are based on revenues, the amount the players can make could rise...if they put a good enough product on the ice.

So, as I said...shut up...play hard...don't complain when the refs call the rules right...smile for the cameras...get on tv as much as you car for free if you have to and start kissing butts.

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