
Thursday, March 10, 2005

Answering Your Questions 

It's been a while since we hit the mailbag so we'll give it a try.

Dear Chris Magazine,

Your site sucks. You seem obsessed with the NHL and the rest of the crap you write is well... crap. Could you change that and make it better?

Hating everything you do
Billings, MT

Dear Hating,

You raise some valid points. In fact, Chris Magazine was the 2004 reciepient of the Your Site Sucks So Good award. This is an award voted on by blog readers, rewarding a site for consistant sucking. You can check out more here. We take a lot of pride in the fact that we beat dead horses, raise invalid points and pontificate on subjects in which we are less than well versed. We also crow often about our poor grammar, inability to spell and the fact that we promise to update daily, but really do so much less often than that. Keep the mail coming and we'll continue to suck.

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