
Thursday, September 09, 2004

You're All Gonna Die! 

So, after months of inferring it, Dick Cheney finally just came out and flat said that if you vote for Kerry in November, there will be another 9/11 style attack and it will be Kerry's fault.

He said this while talking about the fact that Kerry, if elected, will return us to a pre-9/11 standard of defense. This, of course, isn't true. Kerry's said nothing of the sort and frankly, even if he wanted to, there's no going back. Everyone knows that.

This was pretty much and out and out lie said with the purpose of scaring voters to ensure they re-elect Bush. I was going to write a long diatribe about how wrong this was, but then while doing some research I came across a Kerry Campaign document that I thought I should share with you.

It shocked me when I read it and I thought it was a joke, but after talking to a couple of my insider friends, it's the real deal. I won't repeat all of the contents here, but I'll give you a good summery of just what John Kerry has planned for our security if elected President.

1. Opening up the borders. There will be no more checks for passports or luggage should you enter the country from Mexico or Canada. It's to promote free movement between our three countries.

2. Removal of all, security checks, metal detectors and bomb sniffing devices from airports. This is to help in on-time arrivals and departures for the airlines and to raise customer service numbers. Strip searches will remain for the entertainment value.

3. Acknowledging that the profiling that now occurs in airports with regard to Arabs and Arabic sounding names, Arabs will now no longer be eligible for profiling. In fact, all Arabs will now recieve a cup of tea and get to choose three white people off the passenger list to be strip searched.

4. In an effort to run a move sensitive war against terror, Kerry will propose to remove our soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan and replace them with fundamentalist Chistians armed only with hugs and the love of their God.

5. To win over the more fundamentalist of the terrorists Kerry will start the Virgins for Peace initiative. This will offer any terrorist who turns himself in the use of 78 Virgins.

There's more and maybe I'll add it later. It's horrifying. I'm really scared now. So much so that I'll probably just write in Nader. At least we know, while he may not protect the country from terrorist, we'll all be wearing seatbelts when they do attack.

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