
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Democracy in Action 

Read an interesting tidbit today... Al Jazeera, the Arabic television network, is carrying more live coverage of the Democratic National Convention than all three of the major networks combined. Could someone please tell me why our electoral process is so much more important to people in foreign nations than it is here at home? Seriously... NBC made sure Fear Factor was on last night, you'd think they could have made room for something that's actually important.

For those who don't know, the television networks broadcast on airwaves the government leased to them for free. Part of that deal was that they were to serve the public interest. Are they really doing that with one hour of coverage of the conventions a night?

On the other hand, why burden a undereducated, impressionable public with information that might help them make a good decision come election day? Better to let them sort it out while watching Swapping Moms or Who Wants To Marry My Dad or whatever.

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