
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Anger Management 

There is an anger beginning to swell in me and I expect it will boil over soon in the form of a long post, but for now, this message:
Stop using the fucking American flag like it's the curtain protecting the Wizard!

I saw a quote today from Mary Matlin. It's in an article that has raised questions about the no-bid awarding of the Iraq contract to Halliburton. A Democratic senator has asked for an investigation. The Republican leadership has declined the request saying it's unnecessary. Here's her defense...

"This is a politicizing of Halliburton, which is a shame," said Mary Matalin, a former Cheney aide now working as a senior Bush-Cheney campaign adviser.

"Halliburton itself has lost close to three dozen workers over there in Iraq," Matalin told NBC's Today show. "I mean, just let it go."

They've lost three dozen workers for the cause... I guess that makes anything that might have been done wrong ok then? This is crap. Mostly she's saying "wait, don't look behind the flag, look over there with the bright lights and pretty colors!"

It's about time someone pulled that flag down so we could get a good look!

Chris in O4!

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