
Thursday, April 08, 2004

We're Answering Your Questions... 

Fendrich wrote asking, "Why are all the TV ads for companies like United Airlines and Charles Schwab such pretentious bullshit?"

Good question. It's impossible for a poor person to be pretentious...they just don't have enough money to pull it off convincingly. Poor people who try to be pretentious are the ones who go $27,000 in debt on their credit cards putting nice wheels, a spoiler, racing stripes and a $23,000 sound system into a 1985 Honda Civic Hatchback... dress it up all you like, you're just putting shellac on shit. Being pretentious is the realm of the wealthy. The reason those ads are always pretentious is because that's who you want running those companies. You don't really want the poor dumbass who spends more on his car than it's worth investing your money or running your airlines. If that happened, your money would be in this thing that his brother in law's best friend was putting together and your plane would have a cool paint job, a great DVD surround sound system, nice wheels and the sound proofing would have been removed.... sadly the plane itself would have been a retired Aeroflot model that lacked the mechanical cohesion to take flight any longer.

If you have any questions we'll answer them... cmagazineblog@yahoo.com

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