
Thursday, April 01, 2004

The questions keep coming... 

Dear Chris Magazine,

who is byron allen...and
what is this about mortgages, white people and moving them out of the inner
city...i had no idea...?

Signed Perplexed Canadian...

Byron Allen was one of the hosts of "Real People" back in the day and later of the "Byron Allen Show". He was then and remains today one of the whitest black men around. He's so white, I'd take Helen Keller (dead as she is) in a dance contest over him any day of the week. This is clearly a sign that the Canadians missed an important part of entertainment history. If someone has any tapes of either his show or Real People, please, send them to Canada.

As far as the mortgages are concerned... This was systematic racism that existed (and may still exist to some extent) where minorities, but especially inner-city blacks found it difficult to get approval for loans to buy houses. The most notable example of this was New York City and a man named Robert Moses. Moses, as a city official in various positions, essentially shaped the city as you see it today. He built hundreds of parks, but also he built many of the tunnels and the highways that lead to the development of the suburbs and the destruction of many of the old neighborhoods. He's a man revered and reviled for the work that he did. Moses was pretty much the most powerful man in the city for a long while and controlled everything with a nice iron fist. Moses was pretty much the architect of the decline of the inner cities, leaving them to rot while making things more convenient for those with the means to live elsewhere (read: whitey).

Dear Chris Magazine,

I totally agree with your assessment of Andrew Jackson as the stupidest
president ever. Now, because of the proliferation of ATM's that only
give out twenties, he's also the most widely circulated president. I
know that the original thought of the US Mint was to put the 'better'
guys on the lower denominations because there are more of them in
circulation. Thanks.


I'm afraid C.L. that I must strongly disagree with your statement. Andrew Johnson, was the dumbest president we've ever had, not Andrew Jackson. Jackson was a war hero and he also engineered the Trail of Tears, moving thousands of Native Americans from their homes in Florida and Georgia to the comforts of Oklahoma. Without this, the thousands of fans rooting for the Florida State Seminoles and Atlanta Braves would have to contend with annoying protestors every time they started the tomahawk chop. Also, I'd like to point out the forgotten altruistic gesture by the United States government, when they graciously moved the Indians from Oklahoma after oil was discovered there. It would have been quite a burden for those poor savages to drill, pipe, refine and sell that icky black stuff. And plus, what would they have done with that money anyway...buy blankets not infected with smallpox? Please...thank god for our policies on the Native Americas.

Dear Chris Magazine,
I often find myself drawn to married men or guys with girlfriends, what should I do?


This is a tough question that we get a lot here. The obvious answer is, run away. If these guys really wanted to be with you they'd leave whomever they are with and come get you. You deserve much better than being second. That said, if this question is aimed specifically at the author, I would suggest sending money to win me over. It's possible that if you keep this up for the next 20 or 30 years it could really pay off for you. Send cash please... no personal checks.

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