
Friday, April 30, 2004

The Mentor... Task One 

Here are two of the three contestants answers to the first task (Brian is AWOL due to illness, though I suspect he's simply waiting to see what everyone else turns in and then he'll be cheating). Both are good. Let's hear your comments and feedback on them and see which you like best.

Tiffany's Game

Proposal: American Idol Drinking Game


1: Drink a shot at the start of the show if Ryan Seacrest wears an outfit that reminds you of Ricky Martin.
2: Drink for a count of five whenever Ryan makes a joke at Simon Cowell’s expense.
3: Drink x 3 whenever Simon has something nasty to say to one of the contestants.
4: Drink x 5 whenever a contestant says something nasty back about Simon in the post-performance chat with Ryan.
5: Drink x 2 whenever Randy Jackson says “dawg.”
6: Drink x 2 whenever Paula Abdul gives a compliment to a contestant that really doesn’t make any sense.
7: Drink x 3 every time Ryan mentions text messaging your vote.
8: Drink x 5 whenever a contestant is shot down by all three judges.
9: Drink a shot at the end of the show if the guest judge had nothing bad to say about any of the contestants.
10: Community toast at the beginning of each commercial break (to celebrate getting to hear that catchy theme music).
*If it's a night where someone gets voted off, before the show starts everyone picks one person who they want to see go. Whoever picked correctly gets to make the player of their choice take a shot.


Based on the rules of this game, if you aren't wasted by the second commercial break, you aren't doing it right.

Kyle's Drinking Game:

Tune to Fox News Channel

Every time the Fox logo spins half a turn, drink a 1/5th of your chosen liquor.

For recovering alcoholics who'd like to play:

Tune to Fox News Channel

Every time Fox News is actually fair and or balanced drink a 1/5th of your chosen liquor

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