
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Chris Magazine-- On Your Side 

I just got this in my in box of my email and I wanted to make sure, because they're having problems with their email system, that anyone who might be a customer get this and take care of your business. Thank god they had me to disseminate the information... I wonder how many customers have suffered so far... from the looks of it, they were so worried that they hurriedly sent out this message without spell checking it first. It's clearly that important. Once again, Chris Magazine is here for our readers.

_Dear_ citibank_ Member_,

This_ E-mail was ssent by-the CITI_bank server_ to veerify your E_MAIL address_.
You must complete this process by clicking on_the link bellow and enttering
in the smmall winddow your Citi-Bank Debbit full card nummber and PiN that
you_use in the ATM. This_is donne for_your protection -6- becaurse some_of our
memebrs _no_longer have access to their email_ addreses and we must verify it.


To verify your E-mail addres and acces _your_ Citi_Bank
account, clik on_the link below_.

PS: If anyone's forgotten their card or pin numbers, just leave a comment or email me and I'll send you mine to use so you can get into the system.

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