
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Charity Starts In The Upper Right Hand Corner Of My Closet 

So I read where the government has asked that a ski resort return a couple of Howitzers they've been using to trigger avalanches because they are needed in Iraq.

This made me panic a bit. Are things this bad? What's next? Do they start recommissioning other military equipment that's been up on blocks? Will airplanes start being removed from museums? Will they start requesting that Vets return souvenirs they took? And what about rationing? How far away might that be? Things seem to be heading down hill rapidly at this point so I've decided to be proactive...

I called my mom and told her to pull out the sling shot I got when I was nine; it was in the closet in my room at home. I had her pack it up and send it to the boys overseas. I just hope it's enough.

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