
Friday, April 09, 2004

Analogy of the Day 

One of the oft-repeated mantras from the current administration is mentioning "the coalition" when talking about the troops in Iraq. Of course the US isn't alone in Iraq, there are troops from dozens of other countries, but many of them are simply nominal numbers that have little to no impact on the fight there. Certainly it isn't like the first Gulf War which included troops from Europe, UN partners, other Middle Eastern countries and more. With that in mind we offer this:

The first Gulf War coalition was a lot like the Yankees... stacked at every position and a powerful military force to be reckoned with.

The current Gulf War coalition is more like the 2003 Texas Rangers. Sure they have the best player in the game and technically they are a major league team and the roster is "full", but lets be honest other than A-Rod are there any other names on this roster that scare you?

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